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FAQs / All FAQs

All FAQs

Everything you need to know about our platform, evaluations and how to set up your FXIFY™ account.

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Everything you need to know about our platform, evaluations and how to set up your FXIFY™ account.
All FAQs
Who can join ?

Who can join ?

We accept ambitious traders from all over the world (excluding the sanction list).

We do not require you to have any qualifications; the only requirement is that you pass our assessment and do not violate any rules.

If you know how to trade using proper risk management and are consistently profitable that is what is important to us.

Every trader must be over 18 years of age and not have any criminal records related to financial crime or terrorism. 

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Everything you need to know about our platform, evaluations and how to set up your FXIFY™ account.
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